תמצית החיים: בראשית

בראשית תמצית החיים (מתוך הספר "התובנות היקרות בעולם")

תמצית החיים מסתכמת בשניה אחת של חיים. מין זכרון חיים המלמד עלינו, בני האדם, שחיו את חייהם בנקודת זמן אחת, והשאירו את חותמם בצורה כזו או אחרת.

ואני שואל – איזה חותם אתם עומדים להשאיר? באיזו טביעת אצבע אתם חותמים על חייכם?

החיים כבר הבנו, חולפים ביעף. אתם לא מספיקים להגיד "בא לי לחיות" וכבר החיים נגמרים. יוצא שכל רגע ושניה חשובים מאין כמותם. כל שניה היא יקרה להפליא.

אין טעם להסתכל על החיים במבט של הצלחה או כשלון, אין טעם להסתכל על החיים במבט של מורדות ועליות, אין טעם להסתכל על החיים בעושר והישגיות. יש תועלת אם נסתכל על החיים רק מזמן הווה, הוא הויה של חיים. יום האתמול ויום המחר לא חשוב. חשוב רק יום העכשווי הרגעי.

קחו קילו של צמחים ותפיקו ממנו גרם אחד של שמן אתרי. התמצית היא כה יקרה שיש ללמוד ממנה.

התמצית אינה מודדת אותך אם אתה עשיר – היא מודדת את הנתינה שלך.

התמצית אינה מלמדת על מספר ילדיך – אלא מלמדת על השורשיות שלהם, על האיכויות שלהם, מה שנתת להם, על הדקות שהיית איתם, על הדרך שהם ילכו לאור מפעל החיים שלך.

התמצית רוצה לראות מה אתה משאיר אחריך. איזה ניחח הולך בעקבותיך, על זכרון שלא ישכח.

תמצית ניחח אשה שלא נכחדת לעולם.

התמצית מלמדת על ערך השמחה שגרמת לאחרים לחייך משום שעשית משהו עבורם, על האושר שהענקת, על ההפתעה שנראתה על פניהם.

התמצית תלמד אותנו על מה ויתרת בשביל אחרים.

התמצית תתן לנו את החזון שלך, את ההשראה שלך, תספר לנו על הסבלנות שהיתה בתוכך.

התמצית תשקף את ליבך כשהתרגשת עבור אחרים ולא על מוצא פיך – משל מרגליות ופנינים.

התמצית תספר על ההקרבה וגבורתך דרך משאלותיך.

התמצית תשאיר אותך אנושי ורגיש, ייחודי ואצילי.

התמצית תשאיר אותך נצחי.

אנרגיה טהורה:

אנרגיה טהורה אומרת שאתה יכול להשקיע עשירית ולקבל פי אלף מהיכולות שלך. קשה לתפוס את זה, אם אתה לא בעל ענין. בואו ניקח אדם עשיר מיליארדר, יכול הוא לעשות עסק במיליארד דולר ולהרוויח רק 10 אחוז בתוך שנה. לכאורה, הרווח שלו אינו גדול אבל 100 מיליון דולר לא הולך ברגל.

בואו נמשיך את הרעיון ונחזור לרווח מיד.

אדם עשיר, מן הסתם, נוגע באנרגיה טהורה (רק לצורך המשל). אז כל נגיעה שלו היא מגע של זהב והרבה כסף. יכול הוא לנהוג, הכוונה להיות עצמו, ואחרים יקבלו אותו כפי שהוא. יכול הוא לנהוג בשיא היופי והדר, יכול הוא לנהוג בנחישות ובאדיבות, יכול הוא להיות הוא, ועדין יהיה לו מקום בחיים של הסובבים אותו. רבים יפזזו סביבו ויקרקרו סביבו, יחמיאו לו וירצו להיות בחברתו. למעשה רבים ירצו להיות בחברתו, להיות חלק מעולמו. כשהוא יחייך כולם יחייכו, כשהוא יצחק כולם יתפוצצו מצחוק, וכשהוא יזוז כולם יזוזו עמו. מה אגיד לכם?! יכול הוא באמת להשתמש באנרגיה טהורה.

ועכשו לחלק הקשה – הרווח.

אדם שיש לו רווח של 100 מיליון דולר בשנה אחת, יכול להציל חיים של 1000 איש ויותר. יכול הוא להקים בית ספר ואולי בתי ספר – יכול הוא לספק כלים לרבים. אם רק היה לו את האנרגיה הטהורה היה מציל חיים של רבים, ועדין היה נשאר הרבה לעצמו.

עכשו נחזור אליך. לכל אחד מאיתנו יש מהאנרגיה הטהורה.  אם יש לך מעט אנרגיה טהורה אתה יכול לתת מעט מהתמצית שלך והיא תשפיע מיידית על אלפים רבים. אבל צריך לדעת לתת – צריך שתהיה לך הנתינה.

האם אתה יודע, עם ישראל נקרא "המעט מן העמים" – כי יש לו הכי הרבה לתת.

כשאתה לא אתה אתה צריך להעמיד פנים, לשים מסכה על פניך. אינך מסופק, אין לך שקט נפשי ומרגוע. עקרונות מן העבר דוחפים אותך ואתה משוכנע שהם אלו שהובילו אותך עד היום. אתה מתקשה לראות את מה שחסר לך, אין לך זמן להשלים או לתקן, אין לך זמן ללמוד, אתה עסוק בפגישות.

בדומה למכונית העובדת על ארבע בוכנות אתה עובד על שלוש. המכונית צריכה להתאמץ פי כמה. המכונית לא מכוונת. צריך להחליף שמן מנוע, צריך להחליף רצועת טיימינג (רצועת זמן).

אנרגיה טהורה זו זכות ללמוד ממנה. לדעת להכיר את מהלכיה כמו שמש המקבלת את פניך בזריחה ואת שקיעתה בערבי יום. לדעת להכיר את עוצמת הגלים בגאות ובזמן שפל. לדעת לנוע עם הרוח ולחדש כוחות דרכה. לזכור אנרגיה טהורה היא שיש לה מחזוריות ותועלת. שום דבר לא נאבד או הולך לאיבוד. כי הכל חשוב – מקטן ועד גדול.

אנרגיה טהורה מובילה את החיים הרבה לפנינו ונמשכת הרבה אחרינו. אסור לחשוב במונחים של חמשת החושים והמציאות כפי שנראית לעינינו. אנרגיה טהורה היא משמשת מלכים ומושחת רוזנים ונסיכים. בדומה לתינוק שרק נולד – משוח הוא באור מי השפיר – כולו מואר. אנרגיה טהורה היא עצם הבריאה, היא הקיום שלנו עלי אדמות.

אנרגיה טהורה מושכת אותך מציצית השיער.

In the Beginning ,Bereishit

In the Beginning ,Bereishit, there was Life's Essence. Life's essence is condensed in a single instant. An unclear memory of how we existed as humans at a given period in time, leaving mysterious prints behind.

And I ask—What traces are you going to leave? What fingerprints do you choose to signify your life?

We already understand that existence is fleeting. You don't even finish the sentence, "I want to live" and already it is over. For it turns out that every moment is critical and each second is priceless.

It is pointless to view our lives as a success or failure, to dwell on its ups and downs, or to measure it in terms of riches or achievements. Instead you have only to consider the here and now, that which is in your own hands. That is, we must look at this very moment in time, since that alone can give you a true life experience. Suffice it to say that every yesterday and tomorrow do not matter nearly as much as the tools which you apply today.

Even more, the substance and quality of your life's essence is important. An essence has immense worth, for example, it takes a thousand grams of plants to produce one gram of aromatic oils.

Knowledge says: The essence is so precious that we must learn from it.

The essence doesn't measure your monetary wealth, but your ability to give. It doesn't reflect on the number of children you have, but focuses on their roots and virtues: what you gave to them and how much time you spent with them. It also points to how they sprung forth from the toils of your life's work.

In truth, what the essence is seeking are your footprints, the scents you left in passing, which remain as an unforgettable memory.

The essence is connected to an indelible woman's scent.

All that are home-born shall do these things after this manner, in presenting an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD (Numbers Chapter 15, verse 13).

כָּל-הָאֶזְרָח יַעֲשֶׂה-כָּכָה אֶת-אֵלֶּה לְהַקְרִיב אִשֵּׁה רֵיחַ-נִיחֹחַ לַיהוָֹה: ) במדבר פרק טו פסוק יג).

Similarly the essence teaches us the value of joy: how we made people smile, just by doing them a little favor, something that made them unequivocally happy.

The essence also teaches about what you have forsaken. How you treated others with patience, demonstrating self-sacrifice and heroism through your own wishes. The core of the essence is simultaneously inhabited by your inspiration, your vision and your emotional abilities.

The essence does not examine your utterances or thoughts, but rather the acts and contributions which are your legacy. The essence will radiate that you were humane and sensitive, unique and noble, and that your grace had a certain immortality.

Pure Energy:

Pure energy means that you can utilize one tenth of your abilities and know how to receive one thousand times over. This concept is difficult to grasp . Take, for example, a wealthy man who can make a billion dollar deal and earn only ten percent of that within one year. In spite of the fact that his profits are not much, 100 million dollars is still a substantial sum of money.

Let's continue and we will get right back to the profits.

About the rich man who taps into pure energy—every touch of his is golden and brings in huge capital. He can do anything according to his own whims and desires and others accept him without question. He can adorn himself in the finest garments. He can be uncompromising, or courteous, or just be himself; he can behave any way he chooses, and he is constantly surrounded. Numerous fans clamor around him, compete for his attention and flatter him just to be in his company. In fact, many admirers strive to be near him, doing whatever it takes to be part of his world. When he smiles, everyone else smiles, when he laughs, they laugh too, when he moves, they move in the same way. What can I say?! He is truly able to use pure energy.

And now we return to the issue of the profits.

A man who has earnings of 100 million dollars a year can save a thousand lives or more. He can establish and build one school or even more. He can supply many others with tools— tools for thought and knowledge, tools for endeavor and security. If only he had pure energy, he would rescue many lives and still have a lot left over for himself. He is like a single candle that can be used to kindle thousands of other candles without snuffing out or detracting from its own flame.

Each and every one of us possesses pure energy. If you have a small amount of pure energy, you can give a bit of this essence and it will have an immediate impact on thousands of others. But in order to do so, you must first develop your own power of giving. And you will be the wealthy one. It's all in your head. If you offer help, and not just to one person alone— then you are rich.

Did you know that the people of Israel are called the "Chosen People" because they have the most to give?

The LORD did not set His love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people–for you were the fewest of all peoples (Deuteronomy Chapter 7, verse 7).

לֹא מֵרֻבְּכֶם מִכָּל-הָעַמִּים חָשַׁק יְהוָֹה בָּכֶם וַיִּבְחַר בָּכֶם כִּי-אַתֶּם הַמְעַט מִכָּל-הָעַמִּים: ) דברים פרק ז, פסוק ז).

The Chosen People:

The People of Israel hold a unique status, since they were singled out as "The Chosen People".

A secret:If someone gives a modest amount, it will result in something good, and yet if he gives in excess, it can only result in something bad.

One individual may be accountable for many people.

Many people may be accountable for one individual,

Is a grain of sand a little or a lot?

A grain which is above matter is also a particle of the mind (from the Kabbalah "Ger Mohin"ג"ר מוחין – ), in the sense that it belongs to concealed knowledge.A grain which is comprised of ordinary matter requires many grains to be significant, like the "Chosen People". For it is like a tiny bit of surplus sperm containing all that is necessary to procreate and lacks nothing.

Thus, it can be inferred that a grain comes from a whole reaction of life history based on the biological and inherited traits which complete an individual in perfect unity.

Chain reactions:

Just like a ray of sunlight, which travels a distance of eight and one-third minutes (in the Kabbalah five hundred minutes are called "Tak Olamot" – ת"ק עולמות), a food chain is created.This food chain is built upon microscopic organisms, living creatures, algae and plants which provide enough nutrients to maintain humanity and all life on the planet for an entire lifetime.One is dependent on the other, just as sunlight provides photosynthesis for the photoplankton, so too the food chain creates links from the smallest herbivore to the medium-sized omnivore to the largest carnivore.

It is possible to find in the Kabbalah the same impact of the beating of a butterfly's wings which creates a tornado on the other side of the globe.

To show the connection of the chain of life with the human body, the Kabbalahstates that it is part of a healthy cell. When the cell is malfunctioning, that means that some link in the chain of life has been damaged.

When you are not yourself, for you have no true self, you must pretend to exist. You are forced to conceal your face behind a mask. In so doing, you are unfulfilled, you have no serenity or peace. Your past sense of values and principles push you and you are convinced that they have guided you until today. You have trouble recognizing what is lacking in your life, there is no time to finish tasks or repair things that need fixing; you are busy with appointments. You do not know yourself well enough to decide what is right. Thus others challenge us with their reactions.

You are like an automobile that has four engines, but you run on only three. A car that must work many times harder, for it is not tuned, it needs to have the oil changed, it needs new timing belts.

Like a battered wife, or someone suffering from financial adversity, or one with emotional pressures, you choose to accept your predicament—- and everything can change for the better in the moment you make a decision. The decision to discard what is bothering you and advance towards the center of energy.

It is a privilege to study from pure energy. To become familiar with and learn its processes and patterns, as the sun greets you at dawn and sets every evening. It is also important to know the power of its waves in the ebb and flow of tides. To be guided by the wind and let it replenish your strength. It must be remembered that pure energy is cyclical and useful; nothing goes to waste. Each and every single thing, whether large or small, is significant.

Pure energy is the force which directs life. It existed long before us and will continue long after we are gone. It is forbidden to think in terms of our five senses and reality as it appears to us. Pure energy serves kings and anoints counts and princes. Just like a newborn child— anointed in the light of amniotic fluid—so too, it is enlightened. Pure energy is the very essence of creation, the foundation of our existence upon this earth.

Learn that pure energy pulls man by the crest of his hair.

The Roots of Energy:

We draw life from energy's source. The Divine Presence endowed us with life because we were created in the Lord's image.

Man comes into this world and he must learn to adjust. Soon he discovers what is appropriate to build and what sadly must be destroyed; he is required to bear offspring and to raise them, and also to accept or reject opinions and advice. Very quickly, he comprehends that there is a game in the great court and a game in the meager court.

The roots of energy nourish a person and bring him success. He may succeed in various ways: when he elevates his fields of interest to the pinnacle of knowledge, manages to get positive feedback from his friends and community, and by watching his seeds sprout and blossom as they should.

That is to say, the source of energy is meant to supply us with all that is missing in our lives.

A person is born without awareness of his strengths and capabilities nor his weaknesses and defects. Certain things are expected of him and he develops expectations in return.

The root of energy is situated in both the male and female realms, and in the plus and minus. This energy is influenced by a multi-layered system linked to a"Magen David" ("Star of David"): from above and below, from left and right, behind it and in front of it.

A Magen David is comprised of two three-dimensional triangles in reversed positions. Our Earth is created of six interconnecting Magen Davids. What keeps the planet Earth together? Two opposing magnetic forces hold it, and its shape is created from a Magen David.

We tend to analyze events or situations according to probability and statistics. Generally, this method allows us to predict whether we will be victorious or defeated.

Imagine that a man from a very advanced era comes here and competes with us. He already knows what we still have yet to learn, he recognizes our common errors, and he will not repeat them. He knows what will come next, and that at this moment we are skeptical of him.

Inventors and programmers, like visionaries, are able to return to the future from the present. It is possible to develop new and advanced perspectives. This is known as inspiration.

A person comes into this world not knowing what burden he must carry or what journey awaits him. For example, it has been documented that six million Jews perished in the Holocaust. In hindsight, it is possible to say that this phenomenon instigated the birth of the State of Israel. While it is true that six million died in a physical sense, spiritually the payment for these souls has not been eradicated. We are continuing the spark of each and every soul as long as we are alive. Not only has the payment for these souls not been wiped out, no one knows how long they will remain or when they will actually perish.

Usually a convicted man is judged and accused after going to trial. Although he is condemned for a certain period of time, he has the possibility of reducing his sentence by one third on the basis of his good behavior. So too a soul is given a similar privilege. The question is from which energy source this soul draws its knowledge, when it will ascend to a higher level, and if it has the ability to mend its ways.

Suppose a patient is diagnosed with a medical problem by a well-trained physician, who prescribes pharmaceutical drugs for his ailment. Most of these treatments address only the symptoms of the disease, but what it is even more necessary is to identify the origins of the illness. It is quite simple to give a logical explanation when a medical disorder comes to light, but it must also be studied in its obscurity. It is important to seek out and examine the root of the energy, and if it is blocked, it must be set free.

All individuals yearn to make an impact on their surroundings. Everyone longs to be a king, a prince or a millionaire so that others will treat them with respect. Saul was chosen to be the first King of Israel, yet who remembers him? No one. Only David is remembered, as the second and eternal King. The difference is in the length of the thread of energy connecting you to life. If yours is short, you must hasten to influence those around you. Your days are numbered, and not in terms of lifespan, but in terms of your ability to make an impact. King Saul had a short thread, and so his heirs could not receive anything from him. In contrast, King David had the long thread of royalty which allowed him to pass on his legacy to his sons and grandsons.

What thread do you have, and just how long is it? You ought to find out.

People want their presence to be felt, to exploit their strength and cleverness to the best of their abilities. Your tools as an individual are your links to the essential elements in life and where you direct them. A small scrap of paper and a piece of glass can be used to kindle a fire. Do you comprehend that you can be the paper, the fire, and the light? The more you concentrate on your powers the more you can realize your full potential, yet this means that you must focus on what is essential.

If you have access to one of these tools then you should also bond yourself to another. Together they will bring you joy— but don't hoard it all to yourself. Leave some for others as well, for they are just as deserving as you are. Don't worry, no one will take away your glory; turn your attention to others so that they will resemble you, especially those who are feeble. Remember that they are not weak, they have only been denied opportunities.

Don't forget, that a single candle can light a thousand others without losing even one ounce of its brightness. Cast away your ego stemming from pride, humble yourself by lowering your stature, and allow others to take your place.

Radiant Energy:

Higher energy is transported and drawn towards honor through a series of screens. It passes through each screen until it reaches the last one, the thickest screen being material, which can be actualized and probed through the visual senses. This situation in which energy is revealed is called material. The word "spirit" ("ru'ah"רוח – ) becomes "material" ("homer"חומר – ) with the addition of the letter Mem. Without getting into details about the letter Memמ)), it should be noted that the world was created through the power of letters.

What can be understood is that the same tangible material has experienced radiance through the energy which served it. They are its accessories, its shadow. The shadow opposes material, its shadow, and is attracted to radiance. Every living thing and inanimate object casts a shadow, this is how the radiance prevailing within it is made present.

It is known that material does not last forever, therefore it has a particular time frame not only for its existence but also its availability. It has also been found that material and the energy around it causes conversion and subjugation. For there are people who are enslaved to material— for example, the golden calf.

A view of material and energy:

Consider the infant who is being breastfeed. His mother's nutritious milk becomes his own flesh and blood, converted into the fat and bones of his body.

And yet, the baby's growth does not depend merely on his mother's nourishment but also on the power of her love and warmth, her protection and embrace, her happiness and concern for his welfare. As long as he knows that there is someone to nurture him and fulfill his diverse needs, he continues to thrive and grow.

No man lives in isolation, many forces affect him at home and outside. As long as he has stability, he can develop himself and succeed. As soon as he becomes rigid, judgmental, stubborn and his learning ceases, his prominence is also halted and he remains stunted in his growth (physical or emotional).

Human beings have the capacity to alter the rays surrounding us, to widen our horizons without being dependent on the charity of others. We know how to escape the boundaries of our fences, to rise above them, to commune with spiritual powers and supreme worlds. There are many people who either consciously or unconsciously make astral expeditions, that can visualize and foresee through the use of guided imagery, meditation, yoga and higher awareness. Many creative people do this by producing works of art through inspiration. In this way they create a world inside of a world, and experience long-lasting joy and light.

Switching Poles:

Many people openly express their thoughts and feelings. Since all of us have opinions, of course, it is important that we verbalize them. The planet Earth has two opposite ends—the North and South Poles. Scientists discovered that these two Poles trade places once every several thousand years.

But no one knows exactly when they switch places—- perhaps it is now, at this very moment!

Just as the Poles of the Earth can change places, so too do our convictions, and thereafter our typical behavior and perspectives can be transformed. On one hand, an individual could change for the better— he can find a spouse or partner, earn large sums of money, or realize his dreams, yet on the other hand, he could be stricken with an illness that depletes his energy.

He could suddenly show empathy towards his fellows and rediscover the love of his family.

An individual must change for the better. Yet his thoughts as well as his opinions must be quarantined. His compassion will come before him, and his kindness will be reflected in his face.

Being human, we have fixed ideas about others. We have no scruples in slandering someone for a variety of reasons, such as his appearance or his manner of speech which we find bizarre or condescending. Our attitude is critical, judgmental or ridiculing toward others, and it is an ugly and cruel approach to life. Beauty is revealed when we awaken to the fact that our rigidity and prejudices are a disease in themselves, and that it is worthwhile for us to develop and cultivate the practice of unconditional, nonjudgmental giving.

Rememberthis: Unyielding opinions are part of the landscape that constitutes our problems, and we should shatter the concept of "I" and think instead about "you" and "us".

כתיבת תגובה

דילוג לתוכן